Strip Away Belly Fat By AVOIDING These 3 Foods
So, you want to lose some belly fat, do you?
Well, I can help you…
But you need to put down the junk food and slowly walk away.
You’re not interested in doing that just yet?
Well, how about we start slow…
We can start by eliminating these three nasty foods from your day…
Do I really have to tell you? Yes?
Well, for starters these three foods are dripping with calories – and not good calories – but nasty, fattening calories.
Oh, and they contain dangerous amounts of sugar…an overabundance in trans-fats…and nasty artificial ingredients…
All of which make you FAT – and keep you that way!
Do I have your attention NOW? Good! So, here’s the list of goodies that you need to stop eating RIGHT NOW if you ever want to lose that belly and reveal your God-given six-pack (yes, you have a six-pack, it’s just covered up at the moment)!
1. Those Boxed Pastas (and other refined grains)
Okay, so you like your pasta…you like your white breads…and you like your dinner or crescent rolls…
But here’s the deal breaker: These refined grains and foods only spike your blood sugar, intensity of your cravings, and cause fat to pack onto your body.
The reason: Grains that are refined are stripped of their healthy nutrients only to have them added back later on!
So, you’re left with white flour (spikes blood sugar), which may be void of any nutrition.
Opt for the WHOLE-GRAINS, sprouted grains, or quinoa! These healthy grains – in combination with a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, fats, and lean proteins – may boost your fat loss!
2. Frosting
Want a tip to avoid gaining fat around your belly? Skip the cake, cupcakes, and tub of frosting that is probably sitting in your kitchen cabinet.
Frosting is loaded with fattening trans-fats, which may not only make you fat but could give you a heart attack in the process.
A recent study showed that people who ate trans-fats as part of an everyday diet (put down the cupcake NOW), were more likely to gain fat over the long haul.
Skip out on foods covered with frosting if you want to reclaim your waistline in the near future!
3. Chips
So, you like to snack on potato chips at lunch, during snack, or in the evening while watching TV.
Well, I have news for you: Keep eating those chips and you may see serious fat gain – year in and year out!
One study showed potato chip eaters gained roughly 17 pounds over the course of 20 years!
Put down the chips for a flatter midsection.
That Food Solution To End Your Belly Fat – For Good
If you’ve tried everything you can to lose the fat – then there is something you’re missing.
And it probably has to do with the foods you’re currently eating!
If you consistently eat refined grains (boxed foods), potato chips, and desserts with frosting, then there is a pretty good chance you’re going to stay overweight and fat.
If you change the way you eat – and avoid the three foods from above – then you may find yourself looking – and feeling – thinner in no time at all!
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About Jayson Hunter & Jaylab Pro

Jaylab Pro was founded by Registered Dietitian Jayson Hunter. Jayson has been recognized as one of America's foremost weight loss experts by America's Premier Experts™. He has also been featured in USA Today for this accomplishment. Jayson is also a best-selling author having co-authored multiple books in health & fitness and business growth. Jayson and the Jaylab Pro team are proud to create content that helps improve the lives of millions of people around the world. We hope you enjoy it just as much as others have.