Do You Eat This GOLDEN Fat Loss Food?

Of course you have!
And this advice has transcended generation after generation as a staple to good health and longevity.
Now, what people didn’t know – and it took researchers a long time to discover – is that apples carry a lot MORE health benefits than once thought.
In a minute, you will discover a new component of apples that has the research community in a buzz over these latest results!
But first, here is a little bit of information that you may not know about your favorite little red, green, or yellow fruit…
Health Benefits of Apples
You know if you want to be healthy, you need a wide variety of nutrients in order to maximize your health.

Nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and countless others are responsible for improving your insides as well as your outside.
Apples – which are a perfect low-calorie snack food, by the way – have been shown to improve health in a number of different ways.
First, one of the main components of apples happens to be water.
Now, water itself helps to keep you hydrated throughout the day – which is important for maintaining normal function in your cells.
Also, when you consume a lot of water – in food or by drinking – it fills up your stomach, which leaves you feeling full instead of hungry.
And this may prevent you from OVEREATING!
Next, apples are chock full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which again are necessary for normal cellular functioning.

The apple peels also makes them an excellent source of fiber – which also fills you up and helps with normal digestion.
Now, one nutrient found in apples – pectin – is a fat soluble type of fiber that accounts for almost 50 percent of the fiber found in apples.
Pectin has been associated with decreasing fat in your blood (lower cholesterol levels) – therefore giving you heart-health benefits.
However, researchers have found a new nutrient in apples that may increase lean muscle tissue and increase the activity of a special fat in your body!
Apples, Brown Fat, and Weight Loss
For a long time, apples have been a staple in the diets of people looking to lose weight – which is very understandable.

They are low in fat and calories, high in water, and have plenty of fiber – which makes this a perfect fat fighting food.
However, there have been some very exciting findings as of late.
A nutrient found in apples – called ursolic acid – has been making headlines as of late.
Ursolic acid - which is found in the skin of apples – has been shown in some studies to help you burn more calories.
Here are some quick highlights of the study:
They found that ursolic acid - when added to high-fat fed mice – were able to increase lean muscle mass…
Increase BOTH fast and slow muscle fibers…
And, increase grip strength AND exercise capacity!
But, here is where it gets interesting:

This may have been responsible for increasing energy expenditure…
Reducing obesity…
Improving glucose tolerance…
And decreasing fat storage in their livers!
The researchers concluded:
“These data support a model in which ursolic acid reduces obesity, glucose intolerance, and fatty liver disease by increasing skeletal muscle and brown fat, and suggest ursolic acid as a potential therapeutic approach for obesity and obesity-related illness.”
Eat Apples to Burn More Calories
As you already know, apples are a great addition to any weight loss plan.
Full of water, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, apples go a long way to support overall good health.
Now, however, a new nutrient discovered in the peel of apples may provide a new approach to fighting obesity and obesity-related illnesses.
If you are looking for a tasty, low-calorie, and low-fat food that may boost your overall weight loss, then there may not be a more perfect food than apples!

As you already know, apples are a great addition to any weight loss plan.
Full of water, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, apples go a long way to support overall good health.
Now, however, a new nutrient discovered in the peel of apples may provide a new approach to fighting obesity and obesity-related illnesses.
If you are looking for a tasty, low-calorie, and low-fat food that may boost your overall weight loss, then there may not be a more perfect food than apples!

Kunkel SD, Elmore CJ, Bongers KS, Ebert SM, Fox DK, Dyle MC, Bullard SA, Adams CM. Ursolic Acid Increase Skeletal Muscle and Brown Fat and Decreased Diet-Induced Obesity, Glucose Intolerance and Fatty Liver Disease. PLoS One. 2012 June;7(6):e39332.
About Jayson Hunter & Jaylab Pro

Jaylab Pro was founded by Registered Dietitian Jayson Hunter. Jayson has been recognized as one of America's foremost weight loss experts by America's Premier Experts™. He has also been featured in USA Today for this accomplishment. Jayson is also a best-selling author having co-authored multiple books in health & fitness and business growth. Jayson and the Jaylab Pro team are proud to create content that helps improve the lives of millions of people around the world. We hope you enjoy it just as much as others have.