Essential Fatty Acids Are Powerful Fighters For Your Health.
Omega 3 fatty acids are gaining a lot of media attention as of late.
They may reduce your heart disease risk, fight age related dementia and even lend a hand in battleing depression.
But now, there is a new research with omega 3’s.
And this research may provide hope to many people who suffer from Leukemia.
This breakthrough research, even though promising, still needs more research to determine how valid of an option it may be.
The research shows promise to the power of ONE naturally occurring fatty acid: EPA.
Leukemia, a type of cancer which affects your bone marrow, blood cells, lymph nodes and other parts of your lymphatic system.
The main cause leukemia may be changes to the DNA of a single stem cell.
This stem cell may be located in your bone marrow or in your spleen.
Recent statistics, which have been gathered up to 2010, show some staggering numbers for this type of cancer.
Leukemia Statistics:
• One person is diagnosed with blood cancer every 4 minutes
• Estimated (in 2010) that over 137,000 people will be diagnosed with leukemia or some form of cancer related to blood
• New cases will account for 9% of new cancers diagnosed in the US
• Over 54,000 people will die from blood cancer
• These deaths will account of 9% of the total deaths from cancer
Even though this data is from 2010, these numbers ARE extremely scary.
And there is a good POSSIBILTY that these numbers will only CLIMB in the future.
New research, however, may pose a new type of treatment for Leukemia.
Let me explain…
The Research
Researchers from Penn State University may have discovered a new treatment method for Leukemia.
And it comes from a MOST UNLIKELY SOURCE.
You know omega 3 fatty acids, which are found in fish, fish oil and krill oil may have protective effects on your cardiovascular system, your brain and may even help with weight loss.
But now, researchers have found a compound in omega 3 fatty acids, which may bring promise to battling this deadly disease.
Omega 3 fatty acids, also termed n-3 PUFA, are broken down into two separate nutrients: DHA and EPA.
Both EPA and DHA may reduce a number of different health conditions and may even reduce microparticle activity in men, serving as a potential way to reduce the risk for heart disease.
EPA, however, has a special compound, that may STOP cancer cells DEAD in their tracks.
The research is new and further research needs to be conducted.
But this research may be a BREAKTHROUGH in the treatment of Leukemia.
The compound, Δ(12)-PGJ(3), is produced from the omega 3 fatty acid EPA.
In mice studies, delta-12-PGJ-3 may target malignant stem cells, possibly causing the cells to die.
More importantly, omega 3‘s SELECTIVELY targeted malignant stem cells for apoptosis or cell death.
And this happened in both the spleen and in the BONE MARROW.
How you may ask?
Let me explain…
Delta-12-PGJ-3 activates a gene located within the stem cells.
Once activated it programs the stem cell causing the cell to die.
But that is not what made the researchers so excited!
The researchers also found that by destroying the malignant stem cell, the leukemia was COMPLETELY DESTROYED.
They also found that when the cells were donated to a healthy mouse, the treated bone marrow did not PRODUCE new MALIGANT STEM CELLS.
Potential Treatment Option
Leukemia is a deadly disease which may start in bone marrow, blood cells, lymph node or other tissue.
This disease is responsible for claiming the lives of 9% of all cancer cases diagnosed.
Omega 3 fatty acids may reduce cardiovascular disease risk, but may be a new treatment option for people suffering from leukemia.
A specific compound found in EPA may play a role in the treatment of leukemia by possibly destroying leukemia causing stem cells.
The research is new and more research needs to be conducted to verify the potential benefits omega 3’s may play in the treatment of leukemia.
Although this research is new it may hold promise.
NEXT: Krill Oil Is 47 x More Effective Than Regular Fish Oil >>
Hedge, S. Kaushal, N. Ravindra, KC. Chiaro, C. Hafer, KT. Gandhi, UH. Thompson, JT. Vanden-Heuval, JP. Kennett, MJ. Hankey, P. Paulson, RF. Prabhu, KS. (Delta)12-prostaglandin J3, an omega 3 fatty acid-derived metabolite, selectively ablates leukemia stem cells in mice. Blood. 2011. [Epub ahead of print].
Facts 2010-2011. The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.
About Jayson Hunter & Jaylab Pro

Jaylab Pro was founded by Registered Dietitian Jayson Hunter. Jayson has been recognized as one of America's foremost weight loss experts by America's Premier Experts™. He has also been featured in USA Today for this accomplishment. Jayson is also a best-selling author having co-authored multiple books in health & fitness and business growth. Jayson and the Jaylab Pro team are proud to create content that helps improve the lives of millions of people around the world. We hope you enjoy it just as much as others have.