How Hoarding Can Make You Fat
Now that the summer is behind you, it’s time to get serious about your weight – or more importantly – your FAT loss goals.
And with spring and summer right around the corner, there’s no better time to start than right now!
Now, if you are like most people, than you’ve probably started combing through the internet weight loss sites…
Or you’ve flipped through the pages of the most current men’s (or women’s) health magazine…
All looking for the BEST way to burn fat, lose weight, and keep it off (this time!).
Now, like most of them, you may think the advice seems too simple to work.
But, what you may not know, is that the simpler the advice, the better it may be!
Look, fat loss may be as simple – or as complex – as you make it.
But if you adopt the right lifestyle, include the right foods, and cut out the WRONG foods then you are already on the right path for weight loss.
The Three BEST Ways to DESTROY Your Fat Loss
Now, with this being the prime-time weight loss season and all, we want to share with you the three BEST – and most simple – weight loss tips that could help you shed the fat – leaving you leaner, sexier, and in the best shape of your life!
So here they are:
The Three BEST (and simple) Ways to Shed the FAT
1. Cut Out the White Stuff
This may be – or should be – the scariest word out there.
White sugar, processed flour, sugar-packed sweets, and sugar-sweetened beverages may be the number one thing keeping you from getting the body you desire.
Look, here’s the skinny on sugar:
Sugar provides very little in the way of good nutrition. In fact, the only thing that sugar is good for is increasing the amount of sugar that is found in your blood.
And, if you have more sugar in your blood, then you may have more insulin being released – RIGHT NOW – from your pancreas to keep up with the demand.
Now, when there is too much insulin – like when there’s too much sugar – than chances are that sugar is not fully being used for energy.
In fact, most of the sugar may be stored as FAT in your body – and this does NOTHING for your FAT loss.
What should you do?
You should cut back on your intake of white flours, sugars, sweets, and sugar-sweetened beverages – of course.
Not only will you be cutting out unnecessary calories, but you may be in better control of your blood sugar.
And this opens the door for even GREATER fat loss results!
2. Get Rid of the Goodies
Are you a person that “hides” a few treats here and there in times of stress?
Do you find that you hide bits of chocolate - or whole candy bars - in order to curb the stressed out cravings?
If you answered yes, then you are one of the millions who do!
So here is what you do:
Get RID of it!
Nothing squashes your weight loss goals like having plenty of tempting junk food lying around every corner of your house.
So as you’re getting ready for summer, start a little bit earlier, and throw all the candy, cookies, and junk food out!
If you can find the power to do that – then you are already well on your way to reaching – and possibly – surpassing your fat loss and weight loss goals!
3. Be Sure To Get Enough of THESE Nutrients
Did you think I was going to say water and fiber?
If you did, then you would be RIGHT!
These are two of the most important nutrients you can have in order to shred more fat and lose weight like crazy.
Fiber – which comes from whole grain products (like sprouted whole grains), fruits, and vegetables – could possibly be the juggernaut to weight loss foods!
First, soluble fiber wraps itself AROUND food, making it harder for your own digestive enzymes to break it down.
Result = lower release of blood sugar = better blood sugar control!
And insoluble fiber – which travels through undigested – is perfect for making you feel full – therefore preventing you from overeating.
And water, well, what can be said of water!
Water is important for not only keeping you – and your cells – hydrated, but it’s important for the billions of chemical reactions that occur in your body every day.
And, for weight loss, well, it’s that much harder for your body to process fat and nutrients when you are dehydrated.
So here’s what to do:
Eat at least 20 – 25 grams of fiber per day, which should be easy if you include plenty of fruits, vegetables, and sprouted grain breads into your nutrition plan.
And, drink at least eight, eight ounce glasses of metabolism-boosting, appetite-suppressing water!
Implement These Three Steps Today
In order to get your fat loss off on the right track this year, try these fat busting tips on for size.
You won’t be disappointed that you tried!
About Jayson Hunter & Jaylab Pro

Jaylab Pro was founded by Registered Dietitian Jayson Hunter. Jayson has been recognized as one of America's foremost weight loss experts by America's Premier Experts™. He has also been featured in USA Today for this accomplishment. Jayson is also a best-selling author having co-authored multiple books in health & fitness and business growth. Jayson and the Jaylab Pro team are proud to create content that helps improve the lives of millions of people around the world. We hope you enjoy it just as much as others have.